Radon is a radioactive gas that you can’t see, feel, taste or smell. Radon gas can leave the soil and become part of the water and air. It can seep into your home through cracks in the walls and floors. Radon gas can be toxic if you breathe it in regularly over an extended period of time. When you breathe in Radon, it penetrates the lining of the lungs and gives off radiation. After a while, this damages the lungs cells, and can lead to lung cancer.
Unlike with other gasses such as Carbon Monoxide, you won’t have symptoms of Radon poisoning right away. Instead, lung cancer and other health issues that are caused as a result of Radon exposure take years to develop.

This is an x-ray image from the National Cancer Institute of a chest. Both sides of the lungs are visible with a growth on the left side of the lung, which could possibly be lung cancer.
Each year in the United States, an estimated 21,000 people die each year from complications due to Radon related lung cancer. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency consistent exposure to Radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. There are no routine medical tests that can determine if you’ve breathed in too much Radon gas. Also, there are no medical treatments that can clear Radon gas from your body.

Erie County is designated Zone 1 for Radon gas exposure.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency and the New York State Department of Health both recommend that you know what the indoor Radon level is in any home that you consider buying. You should ask the seller for the Radon test results. If the house has a Radon mitigation system, ask the seller for all of the information that they have about it.
Radon gas levels are measured in picocuries per liter or pCi/L. Radon levels of 4 pCi/L or higher are considered hazardous. If the Radon level is detected to be above 4 pCi/L it is recommended to get a Radon mitigation system installed to reduce the level of the home to between 2 to 4pCi/L.
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